Injectors are inspected when they arrive to ensure they are not physically damaged, and that all parts are present.

The exterior of the injectors are then cleaned to allow for a closer inspection of the overall condition of the injector.
Next, the inlet screen is removed from each injector and the inlet of the injector is inspected for rust or corrosion. The injectors are then taken apart, o-rings, pintle caps and spacers are removed to prepare the injectors for servicing.
The injectors are next mounted onto the flow test bench and are pressure tested up to 80psi depending upon the conditions the injectors will be operating under when installed in the vehicle. Any injector(s) that leak or drip during this test are noted on the data sheet and will be checked again for leakage after the cleaning process has been completed.

The next test is a visual test of the injectors while being flowed under pressure. The injector spray patterns are checked for uniformity. Any injector that has an abnormal pattern is recorded.

Next, multiple flow volume tests are performed. First, all of the injectors are flow tested in both a static (wide open) and a dynamic (pulsed) mode. These are “timed” tests and range from 15 to 30 seconds. The results are noted for comparison after the cleaning process. As you can see from this illustration, the injectors can have a wide range of flow volume. This shows that these injectors are in need of cleaning and the engine they came from would not have been running as smoothly or efficiently as it would have if all of the injectors were flowing the same volume.

Once again, the flow difference of the injectors is evident. By testing the injectors to 100ml, a percentage difference of flow between the injectors can be easily calculated.
The injectors are now removed from the flow bench and are installed into the ultra-sonic cleaning tank which contains a special cleaning solution formulated specifically for electronic fuel injectors. Here the injectors are pulsed at varying pulse widths while being subjected to ultra-sonic waves that break up and dissolve debris that has collected on the outside and inside of the injector outlet. This process can last up to 30 minutes depending upon the condition of the injectors.
The injectors are then flow tested again in both static and dynamic modes. This data is recorded and compared to the initial flow data from before the injectors were cleaned.
Once the flow tests have been performed, the injector housings are treated with a high temperature paint to prevent them from corroding or rusting. Injectors with plastic housings skip this step. The injectors are now ready to reassemble with new o-rings, inlet screens and pintle caps (if applicable).
The assembled injectors are now given a final flow test. The injectors are then flushed with a paraffin-based oil to protect the internal parts during shipping and storage.

The final step is individually bagging up the injectors ready for return shipment.


If you have questions or need more information, please contact us. [email protected]

Warranty information: Injectors that have been serviced are guaranteed to flow as tested at the time of servicing and when shipped from Boxer Motor Works. Injectors are delicate pieces of equipment. They can be damaged by improper removal and/or installation techniques. Failure of any injector due to improper removal or installation will not be covered by warranty. Be sure to follow your particular manufacturers installation guidelines when removing or replacing your injectors.